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Simple Method for the Evaluation of Temperature Dependence of thermal Aging of Ethylene- Propylene Elastomer
The article studied activation energy obtained by the weight change of the sample at constant temperature and by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).Weiterlesen...

Rubber Sealing Performance Analysis – Comparison of Testing Techniques
Change in compression set of an elastomeric product with respect to time shows long-term sealing behavior of the material and indicates the quality of the product.Weiterlesen...

Physical Properties of recycled Latex Glove / Epoxidized natural Rubber Blend: Effect of natural graft Starch
Natural rubber glove (GNR) constitutes a considerable part of thermosetting waste in the environment in terms of volume.Weiterlesen...

Wall-slip effects and their dependence on the recipe- and molecular-weight-induced compound viscosity
Employing a high-pressure capillary viscometer, this study investigates the flow behavior of rubber compounds as a function of compound viscosity.Weiterlesen...

Innovation for Road Construction
Autoreifen gehören auf die Straße? Stimmt schon. Aber seit rund zwei Jahrzehnten finden sie sich auch immer häufiger in der Straße. Möglich wird das durch recycelte Altreifen und ein Prozesshilfsmittel. Das Additiv ermöglicht, Gummimehl aus Altreifen zu einem gummihaltigen Asphalt zu verarbeiten.Weiterlesen...

Optimizing the stress-strain behavior of hybrid yarns in elastomer components
Using a tire model compound, the bimodular stress-strain behavior of aramid/PA hybrid yarns in the range of 1-10% strain was adjusted by varying the process parameters during the hybrid yarn production, different yarn constructions, coating of the hybrid yarns and modifying the elastomer matrix by additives.Weiterlesen...

Overall Stability in European Tyre Replacement Sales
The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association published its members’ sales for the year 2018 as well as the last quarter of 2018.Weiterlesen...

A new magnetorheological Elastomer based on natural Rubber/Waste Natural Rubber Glove Blends
A new type of magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) is proposed, basing on the blending of NR and waste natural rubber glove (wNRg).Weiterlesen...

Improved Material Parameter Identification for End-of-Life Predictions under mechanical Fatigue
A new procedure for the material parameter identification is proposed.Weiterlesen...

Mechanism of Prevulcanization of Natural Rubber through Latex-State NMR Spectroscopy
Mechanism of prevulcanization of natural rubber (NR) was investigated by latex-state NMR spectroscopy.Weiterlesen...