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Novel polystyrene nanocomposites based on Na+-montmorillonite for removing organochlorine pesticide from wastewater

Influence of Surface Roughness on Film Formation and Film Properties of Polypropylene Dipping Former

Energy-efficient Processing of Cellulose fibre reinforced bio-based Polyamide

Wear of technical Rubber Materials under cyclic impact loading Conditions
The aim of this study is focused on the experimental investigations of wear behavior caused by cyclic impact loading of carbon black filled rubber compounds comprising pristine styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) together with incorporated SBR ground rubber (rubber powder).Weiterlesen...

Portable High-Performance Rheometer Measures Fluids at High Pressures
QA/QC laboratories that analyze rheological properties of fluids at high pressures can now increase efficiency and reduce user error with an intelligent rheometer that adapts to specific measurement routines and conditions.Weiterlesen...

K 2016: Toluene-free Primer for Silicone Composites
The adhesion promoter Wacker Primer G 790 from Wacker, Munich, has proven indispensable in many industrial sectors and applications for the pretreatment of metallic and hard non-metallic substrates. It helps to achieve a strong and permanent adhesive bond to liquid silicone rubbers and other addition-curing silicone rubber compounds. At K 2016, the corporate will launch a further development of the tried and tested adhesion promoter.Weiterlesen...

K 2016: Clearly extended product range
The leading manufacturer of standard mould components, Hasco, Lüdenscheid, Germany, has now considerably extended its product range. More than 500 new variants of existing standard components and accessories have been added to the 25 product groups in the company‘s product range, which takes in more than 100,000 individual parts. Weiterlesen...

3D Printer for Silicones
Der Münchner Chemiekonzern Wacker präsentiert auf der K 2016 einen industriellen 3D-Drucker für Silikone. Das Gerät wird während der Messe in Betrieb sein und Teile aus Silikon drucken. Der Drucker zur additiven Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Silikon arbeitet nach dem Dropon-Demand-Verfahren. Vor allem für Entwickler aus der Automobil-, Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie wird die Technik interessant sein.Weiterlesen...

K 2016: New pilot plant solution manufactures PP film
At the booth in the exhibit hall, a new pilot plant solution from Collin will manufacture PP film. The film edge trims and film rolls will be further processed into rPellets by an NGR recycling machine. The processed plastics will then be returned back into film production. An inline melt characterization unit will also provide advanced quality control of the new plastics raw material during the recycling process.Weiterlesen...

K 2016: Blown film lines for up to 11 layers
Hosokawa Alpine, Augsburg, Germany, specialises in supplying complete Blown Film solutions ranging from single extruder mono-lines to 11-layer barrier film lines. Every system is custom produced to meet the specific and exacting requirements of each customer. The lines are distinguished by their quality, productivity and efficiency in a compact footprint.Weiterlesen...