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Dicumyl Peroxide used as curing Agent for different Types of Rubber Matrices
Edelmetallfreie Vernetzung von Siliconen
Damit aus dem flüssigen Vorprodukt für Silicone das elastische und haltbare Polymer entsteht, werden in vielen Fällen teure Edelmetalle als Katalysatoren benötigt. Einem Forschungsteam der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und des Münchner Wacker-Konzerns ist es nun gelungen, einen Vernetzungsprozess zu entwickeln, der ohne Edelmetalle auskommt.Weiterlesen...
LSR technology for the future
The massage function in the car seat ensures relaxation on long car journeys.Weiterlesen...
Liquid Rubber: New formulation shows excellent results
The specialty chemicals group Evonik Industries is setting a new trend with the use of silane-functionalized polybutadienes as specialty additives for rubber production.Weiterlesen...
Efficient Method for Characterizing the Service Lifetime of Rubber Seals
Seal applications require rubber compounds capable to endure numerous cycles of deformation without crack initiation.Weiterlesen...
Biological Performance of Hard Wood Composite formulated from Rice Straw and Polystyrene Foam Wastes
The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological resistance of Hard Wood Composite (HWC) panel incorporating various concentrations of Zinc Borate (ZB) and / or Magnesium Hydroxide (MH) against some fungi and bacteria decay.Weiterlesen...
New Stabilizers of Styrene as a reactive Monomer in Production of impregnating Resins
Styrene is one of many reactive monomers used in production of electroinsulating resins. Because of its very high reactivity, it has to be stabilized also during transport and then during manufacturing of the products based on styrene too.Weiterlesen...
Dicumyl Peroxide used as curing Agent for different Types of Rubber Matrices Part I: Effect of Temperature
Several elastomers were cured with dicumyl peroxide at different vulcanization temperatures.Weiterlesen...
Development, Construction and Testing of a 3D-Printing-System for Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Black filled Rubber Compounds
Additive manufacturing of carbon black filled elastomers provides unique opportunities for polymers. The process is based on Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF).Weiterlesen...
Continental nutzt additive FDM-Technologie von Stratasys
Stratasys hat einen Fortus 450mc 3D-Drucker an Continental geliefert. Damit sollen kosteneffektive Produktion und schnelle Durchlaufzeit hochwertiger kundenspezifischer Bauteile nach Standard elektrostatischer Entladungen (ESD) erreicht werden.Weiterlesen...