Was tut sich in den Laboren von Universitäten oder F&E-Abteilungen der Unternehmen? In exklusiven Publikationen teilen Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt ihre aktuellen Erkenntnisse.

Influence of Process Parameters on the Curing of Polyurethanes by dielectric Measurements
The Polyurethane Reaction Injection Molding (PU RIM) process is currently still reliant on a high level of know-how, both in the case of quality deviations of the product and in the initial configuration of molds. PU manufacturing hardly uses the established sensor technologies that are common in injection molding. In a research project at the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV), the influence of the process parameters component temperature, mold temperature, material output speed and mixing ratio on the curing behavior of compact polyurethane coating systems is being experimentally investigated by means of dielectric measurements. The results show that for all variations of the process parameters investigated, the influence on the curing reaction could be successfully detected.Weiterlesen...

Evaluation of the Reinforcement Mechanism of functionalized Nanoparticles in Silica loaded Rubber Compounds
The performance of nano-sized rubber particles with different functional groups was studied in a silica loaded tire tread compound. The nanoparticles contained hydroxyl-, carboxyl-, dimethyl amino-, pyridino-, or epoxy- groups. In uncured compounds the reduction of filler flocculation at 160°C was mostly pronounced by nanoparticles, which contained either carboxyl or hydroxyl groups. In vulcanizates, the best filler dispersion and the best combination of mechanical and dyn.- mechanical properties were obtained with nanoparticles with OH-groups. As the silanization of the OH-groups is much slower than that of the silanol groups the OH-groups of the nanoparticles are practically not silanized at the end of the compounding procedure.Weiterlesen...

Additive Manufacturing of Rubber Parts based on low viscous Compounds using a Direct-Ink-Writing Process
This paper deals with investigations into the additive manufacturing of an EPDM-based high-viscosity sulfur-curable rubber compound. In order to make the compound processible using „Direct-Ink-Writing“, different solvent concentrations are used to reduce the compound viscosity to the limited process window. For 3D-printing process variable process parameters are used to optimize the quality of the rubber part, which is controlled by laser confocal microscope, 3D-µ-CT and physical properties. In addition, the effect of residual solvent in the polymer, respectively in the semi-finished product, affect the possible volume shrinkage caused by evaporation processes of the printed part during vulcanization.Weiterlesen...

Synthos schreibt internationalen Forschungspreis aus
Die Ausschreibung von Synthos richtet sich an Wissenschaftler, die im Bereich nachhaltiger syntetischer Kautschuke, Hochleistungselastomere und/oder Reifenmischungen promovieren.Weiterlesen...

Wie ein Silikonschwamm unbekannte Bakterien aufspürt
Von unserem Darm bis hin zum Meeresgrund: Mikroorganismen bevölkern nahezu jeden Lebensraum, sei er auch noch so feindlich. Für die Biotechnologie und die Medizin birgt die Vielfalt ihrer Überlebensstrategien großes Potenzial.Weiterlesen...

Effect of Rubber Elasticity on humanoid Robot Walking Stability
Walking is an inherent ability used by humans for locomotion. Human walking consists of alternating cycles of contact with the ground to avoid unbalancing that depends on a synergy between the feet muscles and joints, in addition to the texture and hardness of the foot surface.Weiterlesen...

Property Enhancement of NR/Halloysite Nanotubes Composites by Introducing dual Modification
As the performance of natural rubber (NR) and halloysite nanotube (HNT) composites is uncertain due to low compatibility between the materials, Maleated NR (MNR) is then used as a compatibilizer to encourage filler-rubber compatibility.Weiterlesen...

Ozonrissbildung bei Elastomeren – Eine Übersicht
Die Ozonrissbildung von Elastomeren basiert auf der chemischen Reaktion von Ozonmolekülen mit den C=C-Doppelbindungen der Polymermatrix. Die makroskopisch erkennbare Rissbildung und das Risswachstum variieren jedoch stark mit vorliegenden Umweltbedingungen.Weiterlesen...

An Examination of the Degree of Crosslink Distribution Heterogeneity in Nitrile Rubber by Double Quantum Nuclear magnetic Resonance
Nitrile rubber is manufactured through the use of a radical based emulsion polymerization be-tween acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene (BD) resulting in a statistical copolymer structure (see Fig. 1).Weiterlesen...

Laboratory Prediction of Tire Tread Wear and associated high frequency Vibrations
A method to predict tire tread wear in the laboratory was introduced based on low severity tire wear mechanism. The tire acceleration distribution was used to determine the slip ratio of the test. Sample load was determined using vehicle weight and tire inflation pressure. The laboratory test result based on the established condition was in good agreement with the tire test result.Weiterlesen...